The process of transferring reel to reel master tapes to Compact Disc has begun! We have the following messages by Bro Bill on CD.
These messages have been transferred from the original reel to reel tape copy to a digital Compact Disc. Due to the age of the tapes or recording conditions, there may be occasional inconsistency in volume levels. If you receive a copy that is defective in any way, please let us know and we'll send a replacement. Suggested donations for CDs are $3/each, plus a minimum $5 for postage and packaging per order. Send requests and donations to Church in Action, PO Box 707, Springfield MO 65801-0707. Email requests to harness707@gmail.com Current Audio Messages available on CD: __#970 My Father's House __#1470 Nature of Sons __#171 Lucifer the Shining One __#1271 Higher Love __#1471 Benjamin & Mordecai __#172 Way-Truth-Life __#372 The Glory of God __#872 Two Witnesses __#1272 Divine Substance & The Realm of the Son of God __#1772 Explosion-Prophecy/Friday PM Service __#373 Eagle Saints __#573 Branch of the Lord __#2073 Lordship of Jesus Christ __#2773 Colors of the Veil __#274 David & Saul __#374-1 The Law of the Leper (the Leper) __#374-2 The Law of the Leper (the Garments) __#474 Development & Progress of Leadership in Joshua __#574 Babylon to Zion __#1174 Rending of the Veil __#175 Known to the Unknown __#375 The Flaming Sword __#475 Earth Shaking Praise & Kingdom of Priests __#176 New Heavens & a New Earth __#376 Kingdom Eunuchs __#476-1 Next One World Government __#476-2 Next One World Government __$676 One Lord __#776 One New Man __#177 Foundations __#277 Rod of Authority __#477 Son of Resurrection __#977 The Vision of God __#1177 The Making of A Son __#578 God Speaks in His Son __#678-1 Ten Gates __#678-2 Ten Gates __#978 How to Lose Touch With Reality __#1078 Adoption of Sons __#1178 Liberty or Failure __#179 The Majesty of Jesus __#680 God--Seen by Angels __#880 The Eternal Purposes of God __#980 Present Truth for Today __#1080 The King and His Kingdom __#1680 A Supernatural People __#181 He That Worketh in You __#381 Three Steps Behind the Veil __#981 Jesus, The Perfect Son __#1181 God Revealed in Us __#1281 Jesus Was Not A Jew __#182 Happy Birthday Jesus __#482 A View From the Top __#682 Far Out versus Old Order __#283-1 Abiathar, the Opportunist-1 __#283-2 Abiathar, the Opportunist-2 __#383 Jacob and Esau __#483 Snowflakes & Cookie Cutters __#583 Walking in the Spirit Realm __#683-1 Jerusalem to the Uttermost-1 __#683-2 Jerusalem to the Uttermost-2 __#783 A Divine Nature __#983 Don't Settle for 2nd Best __#1283 It's Going to Get Worse __#1383-1 Weapons of Our Warfare-1 __#1383-2 Weapons of Our Warfare-2 __#184 Treasures of the Earth __#384 Walk on Water or Learn How to Swim __#484 Kings and Priests __Completed Body of Christ __Melchisedec Doctrine Class / Overcoming Teaching Center __#D1-Water Baptism-Gifts of Spirit __#D2-Apostles and Prophets __#D3-Origin of Satan __#D4-1 The Rapture-Part 1 __#D4-2 The Rapture-Part 2 1985 California Conference __ 6 CDs of Bill's last conference __Purposes of God __Book of Ezekiel __Young People in Leadership-1 __Young People in Leadership-2 __Our House in Heaven-1 __Our House in Heaven-2 The Book of Revelation Series __12 CDs (only covers up to Chapter 2 verse 17.) Sonship Series __ A set of 4 CDs Email harness707@gmail.com with your CD order. You can send your offering to Church in Action, PO Box 707, Springfield MO 65801 or make a donation on paypal.com to account harness707@gmail.com (paypal uses email addresses as the account ID) |